Walton Works / Workforce Solutions

Educator Externships

The externship is an opportunity for educators to observe and interact with local industries, while gaining real-world industry experience to bring back to their school. Through this program, participants create a Walton Works portfolio/presentation featuring a summary of the company visited, an overview of four occupations found within the company, information regarding higher education and/or post-secondary training requirements, and ideas to reinforce the soft skills/employability skills needed to succeed at the company.

Workforce Programs

Precision Machining

Precision Machinists create parts from metal to solve real-world challenges. Learn those skills right here at the Walton campus of Athens Technical College enroll in this award-winning program as a regular student or through high school dual enrollment.

Job Fairs/Hiring Events

Regional and local job fairs connect job seekers with local employers and includes on-site application and resume assistance. Typically two regional job fairs are held each year – a fall event in Covington and a spring event in Monroe.

Senior Interviews

An opportunity for graduating seniors to be interviewed by local industries for employment after graduation. Interviews happen in partnership with the Student Success Alliance at all four local public high schools.

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Resource Links

Department of Labor

“The Georgia Department of Labor provides a wide range of services to job seekers and employers. These include administration of Georgia’s unemployment insurance, employment service, provision of workforce information to the public and private sectors, and oversight of child labor issues.”

Athens Technical College

“The Walton County Campus of Athens Technical College, located in Monroe, Georgia, opened in 1995 and currently located on Bryant Road. In addition to offering degree, diploma, and certificate of credit programs in various fields of study, the campus also offers community and continuing education classes, adult literacy services, and career development assistance.”

WorkSource Northeast Georgia

“WorkSource Northeast Georgia is dedicated to providing opportunities for education, training, and workforce preparation. Our mission is to prepare individuals for gainful employment, facilitate collaboration among workforce systems, and leverage the unique talent in our community to meet the needs of local employers.”

Quick Start

“We have over 50 years of experience, and we know your company’s #1 asset is the right people. Georgia Quick Start’s mission is to train them so you’re up and running fast. Georgia Quick Start’s services are free to any qualified company, whether new to Georgia, expanding a workforce here, or adding new technology to stay competitive.”

Walton County Economy Dashboard

“Walton County possesses a capable and primarily non-union labor force with a strong and loyal work ethic. In addition to those workers who reside in Walton County, the county is fortunate to have access to an expanded labor pool of more than 600,000 workers in six surrounding counties.”

Contact Us

Ready to learn more about how Walton County can help your business succeed? Contact us today to speak with a member of our team:
